Drop the bra.. LET'S EAT!

do things a little differently

My experiment on fake eyelashes

Recently I saw a lot of young girls on the street with long and beautiful eyelashes and I was thinking: "Are those real?" When one of my girlfriends told me that :"aiyo, those are fake eyelashes lah" But they look so real? Okay, I know some girls wear very dramatic eyelashes or "dolly eyelashes" I can tell from those but the ones I saw was quite natural. I have my doubts, so she suggested Missha's eyelashes, they came in different sizes and length, I went for the "not too dramatic" kind, XNS, which the salesgirl say is the most natural ones. It's kind of easy to put on actually and you can reuse them, just soak in warm water and the transparent glue will come off easily! I love this fake eyelashes! :p

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